Managing your group membership

All users can view and manage their group membership on the Groups page in the web manager. This includes accepting or rejecting invitations to join groups.

Each group is associated with a specific Enterprise account. For example, the ability to view a list of a group's Sessions, create persistent Sessions, and access a group's custom IFX all require membership of an Enterprise group.

To view a list of groups of which you are a member, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to, and then log in.

  2. From the side menu, select Groups.

  3. On the GROUPS page, select the Memberships tab.

Leaving a group

  • To leave a group, select LEAVE in the group’s pane on the Memberships tab.

You can’t leave a group if you’re the only member that is assigned the Owner role.

Setting your default group

  • Your default group is indicated by the text Default group. To set a different group as your default group, select SET DEFAULT in the group’s pane on the Memberships tab.

Managing your invitations

  • To view a list of active invitations, select the Invitations tab on the GROUPS page.

To accept or reject an invitation, complete the following steps:

When you join a group, new settings and restrictions may take effect. For example, if you join a group that has single sign-on (SSO) turned on, you may need to use their chosen SSO authentication provider to log in.

  1. Select VIEW for the invitation.

  2. On the invitation information page, select either ACCEPT INVITATION or DECLINE.

After you accept or decline the invitation, it’s removed from the list of invitations. If you accept the invitation, the group appears on the Memberships tab.

Last updated