Creating and managing forms in the ENGAGE app
We recommend that you use the web manager to create and manage forms because there is some functionality that's available only in the web manager. For example, you can change the order of questions only in the web manager. It may also be more comfortable for you to enter text in the web manager than, for example, on a VR headset.
However, the forms tools within the ENGAGE app are a convenient way for you to perform tasks such as create short quizzes or surveys, add or correct a small number of questions, or review results to provide immediate feedback.
You can create and manage forms only on Windows and macOS desktop devices and VR headsets.
If you want to use the ENGAGE app to create and manage forms, see the sections below for instructions on how to access forms in the ENGAGE app.
From the menu screen
On the menu screen of the ENGAGE app, select Create & Edit.
On the Creator Tools page, select My Forms.
Within a Session
In a Session, open your menu or tablet, and then select Forms .
Last updated