Adding IFX

  1. Open your menu or tablet, and then select IFX .

  2. Browse through the available IFX. You can search for IFX by their title and apply tag filters.

  3. Select an IFX.

  4. Move your mouse or right controller to position the IFX, and then left click or press the right trigger to place the IFX in the scene.

After you add an IFX, it becomes an object. For information about how you can modify an IFX, see Modifying objects.

You can make fine adjustments to position, rotation, and scale after you add an IFX to the scene. However, you can also use the following controls to place the IFX more accurately when you first add it.

Controls when you use hand controllers to add an IFX to your scene

Hand controllers:

  • Hold the trigger on the left controller and rotate the left controller to rotate the object.

  • Move the right thumbstick up and down to move the object further away and closer.

  • Move the right thumbstick left and right to change the scale of the object.

Controls when you use a mouse to add an IFX to your scene


  • Rotate the scroll wheel forwards to move the object further away and backwards to move it closer.

  • Hold the right mouse button and move the mouse to rotate the object.

  • Hold the right mouse button and use the scroll wheel to adjust the scale of the object.

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