Personal boundaries
A host can choose to enable or disable personal boundaries in a Session. When enabled, if two users enter close proximity, their avatars become invisible to each another.
This is provided for both user comfort and safeguarding. In situations where avatars are densely grouped, each user can still perceive a clear zone around them. In situations where one user wants to harass another by invading their personal space, the harasser would find it impossible to do so.
Avatars become invisible only to the user who is in close proximity to them. Avatars that are invisible to you may still be visible to other users in the Session. You may still see other people's avatars in close proximity to each other.
Personal boundaries are not applied in recordings. If an avatar becomes invisible to you while you are recording, they will remain visible when you play back the recording.
Enabling personal boundaries
On the Host Controls page, select Session Settings.
Turn on the Personal boundary toggle.
Disabling personal boundaries
On the Host Controls page, select Session Settings.
Turn off the Personal boundary toggle.
Last updated