Help with log-in issues
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If you experience a problem when you try to log in, see the following table for potential solutions.
These credentials do not match our records
The username, email address, or password you entered are incorrect. Check the values that you entered. In the password field, you can select the eye icon to reveal the value. Important: Ensure that nobody else can see the log-in screen before you reveal a password. Try to log in to a different ENGAGE application. For example, if you experience a problem when you try to log in to ENGAGE on a device, try to log in to the web manager. If the issue is with one application only, check the network connection for the affected device. If you still cannot log in, go to and reset your password. Check your spam folder as well as your inbox for emailed instructions.
The verification code you entered is invalid.
Two-factor authentication (2FA) is enabled for your account and you have entered an incorrect verification code. Verification codes can expire. If you use an authenticator app, wait for a new code to be generated, and then try again. If you chose to receive authentication codes by text message, you can request a new one. If you can't access your device to obtain a verification code, you can use a recovery code to log in. You most likely downloaded a text file that contains a list of recovery codes after you set up 2FA. If you've permanently lost access to the device that you used for 2FA, turn off 2FA after you log in with a recovery code. You can then set it up again with a new device.
Too many failed log-in attempts. Please reset your password or wait 5 minutes and try again.
You have attempted to log in with the wrong credentials too many times. Wait 10 minutes and try again, or go to and reset your password. Check your spam folder as well as your inbox for emailed instructions.
This account doesn't use single sign-on (SSO)
Either you have attempted to log in through single sign-on (SSO) with an account that doesn't use SSO, or the email address or username is not recognized. If you know that you should use SSO to log in, check the username or email address that you entered. Select the option to Log in with password, and then try to log in with an ENGAGE username and password. If you previously used SSO to log in, or have been told by your organization to use SSO, and you can log in with a password instead, contact your Enterprise group owner.
This account requires you to use single sign-on (SSO)
You've attempted to log in to ENGAGE with an account that requires you to use single sign-on (SSO). If your account uses SSO, you can't enter your password on an ENGAGE log-in screen. Instead, select the Log in with SSO link on the log-in page, enter your username or email address, and then complete the log-in process with your SSO provider. For example, Microsoft or Google.
Unauthorized access is prohibited
You've attempted to log in to an ENGAGE product that you don't have permission to access. If you have an ENGAGE account, you can log in to both the ENGAGE application and the web manager (). However, there are other products that you may not have access to. Most of the restricted products are related to Enterprise groups. However, access may still be restricted to specific members of an Enterprise group. If you think that you should have access to a product, contact the Enterprise group owner and ask them to check your role in the group.
If you try the proposed solutions and still can't log in, please go to and submit a ticket for further assistance.