Controls on a desktop device
On Windows or macOS desktop devices, use the following controls:
Look around
Hold the left mouse button or middle mouse button and move the mouse.
Move forwards in the direction that you're facing
W or up arrow key
Move backwards from the direction that you're facing
S or down arrow key
Slide to the left
A or left arrow key
Slide to the right
D or right arrow key
Move vertically upwards
Move vertically downwards
Move faster
Shift + movement key
Move more slowly
Ctrl + movement key
Open and close the editor panel
Ctrl + Z
Delete the selected object
Focus the timeline on the selected object
Insert a keyframe for the selected object at the playhead location
Zoom in and out of the timeline, curve editor, or dope sheet
Mouse scroll wheel
On Windows or macOS desktop devices, you can't use the teleport control to move around in the Content Editor.
Last updated