Create responses

You need to create nine responses. Although the electrical fire: CO2 response and paper fire: water response are the same.

Required responses

Electrical fire responses

  • Water: “That’s incorrect. Water conducts electricity and is a bad choice for electrical fires.”

  • Powder: “Correct. You could also use a CO2 fire extinguisher.”

  • CO2: “Correct. You could also use a powder fire extinguisher.”

Paper fire responses

  • Water: “Correct. You could also use a powder fire extinguisher.”

  • Powder: “Correct. You could also use a water fire extinguisher.”

  • CO2: “That’s incorrect. A CO2 fire extinguisher could blow around loose materials and cause the fire to spread.”

Gas fire responses

  • Water: “That’s incorrect. A water fire extinguisher would be ineffective.”

  • Powder: “Correct. A powder fire extinguisher is the only suitable choice.”

  • CO2: “That’s incorrect. A CO2 fire extinguisher would be ineffective.”

Recording responses

For each response, complete the following steps:

  1. Open your menu or tablet, and then select Recording.

  2. On the recording page, select Record.

  3. In the Create Recording panel, select Just Myself, and then select Record.

  4. After the countdown completes, pause for 1 second, and then say the response.

  5. On the recording page, select Recording, and then select Stop.

  6. Enter a suitable filename for the recording, such as fire_electrical_water, and then select Save.

You can create a folder for the recordings to improve the organization of your files. If you do, you need to move each recording into that folder individually.

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