Drawing on boards on VR headsets

The following video shows how you can draw on boards when you use a VR headset:

Using a whiteboard or blackboard

Activating drawing mode

To activate drawing mode, choose one of the following methods:

  • Point your controller's laser pointer at the pen icon on the whiteboard or blackboard, and then press the trigger button. The pen icon is located in the lower-left corner of the board.

  • Use your controller to place your avatar's hand over the pen on the edge of the whiteboard or blackboard, and then press the trigger button to grab the pen.

After you activate the drawing mode, a pen and tool panel appear. If you use two hand controllers, the pen is attached to one hand and the tool panel is attached to the other. If you use one hand controller, the pen is attached to that controller and the tool panel initially follows your head tracking.

For information about the different methods of interaction, and how you use them to draw on the whiteboard, see the sections below. For information about how to interact with the tool panel and the different features that are available, such as how to switch which hand you draw with, see Drawing tool panel.

Turning laser pointer interaction on and off

  1. In the Mode section, select the toggle to turn laser pointer interaction on or off.

Drawing on a board with pen mode

When laser pointer interaction mode is turned off, you place the pen against the board's surface to draw on it. To use this mode, you must be close enough to reach the board with your hand.

  • To draw on the board, extend your hand until you see the pen cursor appear on the board; then press and hold the trigger on the controller and move your hand.

Drawing on a board with laser pointer mode

When laser pointer interaction mode is turned on, you direct the laser pointer from the pen to the location where you want to draw on the board. You can use this method of interaction to draw on the board when it's beyond your reach.

  • To draw on the board, target the board with the laser pointer from your pen, then press and hold the trigger on the controller and move your hand.

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