Editing a recording

You can edit a recording and then save the new version with a different file name.

To edit a recording, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Recording page, select Device.

  2. Select a recording.

  3. On the recording information screen, select Load.

  4. In the Load Recording window, select Edit recording.

There are three options on the Edit recording page. See the sections below for more information.

Replace Main Voice

You can replace the audio that's associated with the main user in the recording. If the replacement audio is longer than the original audio, the end of the replacement audio will be cut off. You can't extend the length of the recording.

For maximum compatibility, encode the replacement audio as a stereo 32 kHz mp3. If the replacement audio is audible on some devices but not others, check the encoding.

To replace the main voice, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Edit recording window, select Replace Main Voice.

  2. In the Replace Main Voice window, select Select Audio File.

  3. Browse to and select the audio file.

  4. In the file information window, you can select the play icon to preview the audio. To confirm that you want to use this file, select Load.

  5. Optional: In the Replace Main Voice window, enter a number in the Audio Offset field. This is the number of seconds of delay to add to the start of the audio.

  6. Select Replace Audio.

  7. After the process completes, select Continue.

After you replace the main voice, see the section below to save your changes.

Edit avatars

You can edit a recording to remove avatars, turn off their IFX, and perform other tasks.

  • In the Edit recording window, select Edit avatars.

Each avatar that's included in the recording is represented by a panel. For information about the available settings, see the following table.


Main Recording User

One avatar in each recording is set as the main recording user. Initially this is the person that created the recording. If there are multiple avatars in a recording, you can select this icon to make the selected avatar the main recording user.

Body as recorded / Force basic avatar / Force full-body avatar

To improve performance of the ENGAGE app, some avatars may be displayed with reduced detail. This includes the removal of legs and arms. Although hands remain visible. If you choose the Body as recorded option, a user's avatar will appear as it was when the recording was created. The other two options set an avatar's appearance to be either basic or full-body.

Don't force large numbers of avatars to be full-body because this can negatively affect performance, particularly on Android and iOS phones and tablets.

User IFX

Use this icon to toggle a user's IFX on and off.

Avatar enabled / Avatar disabled

If you disable an avatar, they don't appear when the recording is loaded. However, their IFX may still be included. See the User IFX option above. Note: If you disable an avatar, they're not removed from the recording file. You can edit the recording again and enable them.

Save changes

  1. In the Edit recording window, select Save changes.

  2. In the Save Recording window, enter a new file name, and then select Save.

  3. You return to the Load Recording window for the recording that you loaded. Select Cancel.

Last updated