Interactive IFX
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Interactive IFX are objects that users can pick up and manipulate with their hand controllers. You can use your own interactive IFX only in sequences that you create in the Content Editor. If you add the same IFX in a Session, users are not able to grab it.
To prepare an object to be used as an interactive IFX, complete the following steps:
Add a convex collider to the root game object in the prefab.
When you publish your IFX, inform the ENGAGE team which IFX include colliders. We need to complete some additional steps to make the colliders available in ENGAGE.
Because of the additional steps that are required, you can’t test an interactive IFX locally.
After the publication process is complete and your IFX are available in ENGAGE, you can create a sequence in the Content Editor and add the IFX that you want to be interactive. You can then choose what type of physics to apply to the object. For more information, refer to the Interactive IFX section of the public documentation.