Installing a platform build module

ENGAGE apps are available for four platforms - Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. If you want to test your locations or IFX on a particular platform, you must build asset bundles specifically for that platform. If you install Unity on a Windows device, you can build asset bundles for Windows. To build asset bundles for a different platform, you must install a platform build support module.

Many standalone VR headsets, such as the Oculus Quest 2 and Pico Neo 3, use the Android operating system. If you want to test bundles on an Android-based VR headset, install the Android build module.

To add platform build support modules through Unity Hub, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Unity Hub.

  2. On the side menu, select Installs.

  3. Select the cog icon for the install that you use for the ENGAGE SDK, and then, from the list that appears, select Add modules.

If there isn't an option to Add modules, go to, and then download the build support that you want to install. Ensure that you select the 2021.3.18 Editor folder when you install the build support.

  1. In the Add modules window, select the check box for the platform that you want to build bundles for. The options that you can select are as follows:

    • Android Build Support

    • iOS Build Support

    • Mac Build Support (mono)

  2. Select Install.

To build asset bundles for Android, you need only select Android Build Support. You don't need to select any of the child options, such as Android SDK & NDK Tools or OpenJDK.

Last updated