Configuring additional Effect Life Run Control properties

The following table describes additional properties of the Effect Life Run Control component that you can configure.


Animation speed

Playback speed multiplier. A value of 0.5 is half speed, a value of 2 is double speed, etc. Default: 1

Animations Roar

If you want to use multiple animations for the roar state, add them to this list. If you add items to the list, the Animation Roar property is ignored. Default: empty list

Growl Seconds

The length of time that the IFX remains in the roar state, in seconds. Default: 2.5

Growls Seconds

If you use multiple animations for the roar state, you can enter a duration for each animation in this list. Default: empty list

Roar Odds

Adjusts the likelihood that an IFX will transition to the roar state. A higher value produces a higher chance of transitioning to the roar state.

Range: 1 to 10 Default: 4

Cross Fade Time

The transition between states uses a cross fade, where one state fades out while the replacement state fades in. This parameter sets the length of time that the cross fade will take, in seconds. Default: 0.3

Walk Audio Run Audio Roar Audio Idle Audio

Not used Default: null

Audio Volume

Not used Default: null

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