Animation overrides

The animation override system uses four different animation states for your IFX. These animation states are idle, walk, run, and roar. An IFX will automatically switch between animation states based on its current context. The state names are derived from the activities of animals, but have equivalent uses for inanimate objects, such as vehicles. The following table describes the different states:



This is the default state for the IFX.


An IFX enters this state if you move it in a Session. This includes animated movement in the Content Editor. This state could be a walk cycle animation for animals and people, flapping wings to represent flight for a bird, or rotating wheels for a vehicle. If the rate of movement exceeds a threshold amount, the IFX transitions to a run state. When the movement stops, the IFX returns to the idle state.


An IFX enters this state if you move it faster than a threshold speed. If the rate of movement drops below the threshold speed, the IFX transitions to the walk state.


IFX in the idle state periodically transition to the roar state. The time between transitions to the roar state includes random variation, which you can configure. You can also configure how long an IFX remains in the roar state. After the roar animation time interval expires, IFX transition back to the idle state. The roar state is the only state for which you can select multiple animations. If you use multiple roar animations, the ENGAGE app chooses which to trigger randomly. Use the roar state for an intermittent animation that adds more interest to an IFX. Through use of the the Content Creator, you can also choose to trigger the roar state in response to user action or at a specific point in the timeline.

You can add additional animation states to your IFX. An IFX will not transition to any additional states automatically, but you can select them as overrides in the Content Creator.

When you create an animation override IFX, you can choose between the use of legacy animations or Animator animations. For more information, see the following sections.

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