List of available prefabs
The ENGAGE SDK includes several example prefabs. You can find these prefabs in the /Assets/ENGAGE_CreatorSDK/Prefabs/Tools
folder. The functionality of these prefabs is described in the table below.
Duplicate an asset before you use it, and then move the duplicate to the appropriate dependency folder. Future updates may move or remove example prefabs in the Tools folder.
Update your SDK regularly to get the latest versions and any added prefabs. For more information, see Checking for SDK updates.
Cornhole Game
A fully interactive game object that's synchronized between all users in a Session.
Use the /SitPrefabs/DefaultSitTrigger
prefab in locations, and the IFX_SitTriggerSimple
prefab for IFX.
Add to an IFX to enable an avatar to sit on the IFX. Use this version if you design the IFX to be scaled.
If you want to create an IFX that responds to network states, you can use this prefab as the root object. You must then populate the Network State Modules
list in the IFX Network State Effect script.
An example object that you can use to synchronize changes in lighting states between all users in a Session. For example, changing a scene from daytime to night time. Important: Improper use of this prefab can cause significant stability issues in the ENGAGE app. Use only under guidance from ENGAGE staff.
Use the VideoScreenFlat_FullExample
prefab instead.
Use the VideoScreenFlat_FullExample
prefab instead.
Use the VideoScreenFlat_FullExample
prefab instead.
One per scene Defines the boundary within which you expect users to remain. Blocks users from passing through. If a user moves outside of the boundary, they return to the start position.
Curved media screen. This screen will display any active media in a Session. This screen is partially configured to use synchronized network states. For example, for synchronized movement between two positions.
Demonstrates various capabilities for networked objects.
Podium with synchronized network state and UI controls to descend below floor level.
Deprecated Helper object that can rename the sit handlers for seats in your location. However, unique names are no longer required.
One per scene Use to define the start position where users will appear at the location. It includes a representation of the spawn radius.
An example object that you can attach sticky notes to. When a sticky note is moved close to the surface, the sticky note rotates to match the orientation of the surface, and then snaps onto the surface.
An example object that you can attach sticky notes to. When a sticky note is moved close to the surface, it snaps onto the surface.
Use to enable and disable two groups of objects based on whether the user is on a desktop device or a mobile device. Mobile devices include standalone VR headsets, Android phones and tablets, and iPhones and iPads.
Use to move a user's camera from the default position to the position of a game object.
Deprecated Improved support for local testing means that this prefab is no longer required.
Deprecated We recommend that you load your texture files into Unity and apply them through materials.
Deprecated We recommend that you load your texture files into Unity and apply them through materials.
Deprecated We recommend that you load your texture files into Unity and apply them through materials.
This screen will display any active media in a Session.
Use to add water to your scene.
A synchronized, interactive whiteboard or blackboard. You can configure the board and default pen color.
A synchronized, interactive whiteboard or blackboard. You can configure the board and default pen color.
A synchronized, interactive whiteboard or blackboard. You can configure the board and default pen color.
A synchronized, interactive whiteboard or blackboard. You can configure the board and default pen color.
A synchronized, interactive whiteboard or blackboard. You can configure the board and default pen color.
A synchronized, interactive whiteboard or blackboard. You can configure the board and default pen color.
Last updated